If the Foundation Be Destroyed
Activity: Sunday Sermon Anchor Scripture: Psalm 11: 1-2, Matthew 7: 24-27 Reference Scriptures : Eccl. 3: 1-9, Joshua 24: 1-31 Introduction Basically, every structure must have a foundation. Foundations are so central to structures such that they determine the survival or otherwise of the structures which they carry. Whatever we may want to build, it is the foundation that will carry it. This accounts for the reason so much time and resources are often committed into building SOLID foundations. Foundations are the building blocks of everything. Seconds are the foundation of minutes, minutes are for hour, hours are for day, days for week, weeks for month and months for year. Foundations, the building blocks, often determine the final outcome. For example, a student who failed to be present in the school during the first week of resumption would definitely miss the course contents and the necessary course introductions. Little as this may sound or look, they often matte...