
Showing posts from February, 2017


Activity: Sunday Sermon Anchor Scripture: 2 Timothy 2: 20 - 22 Introduction Christianity has been infiltrated. Christianity has been permeated by different kinds of element, people. Professing Christians have allowed themselves to be used and equally allowed their profession to be hijacked, molested and used to further obscene courses. Christians have left their first loves and have gone after many devices. The prayer is that may the good Lord heal his Church and bring it up for His glory in Jesus Name. Amen. Message Many people throng into churches today. Every Sunday, we record millions upon millions attendance in services in our different denominations. Hallelujah! Vessels are carriers. They are containers that carry some things.  There is no vessel that doesn't carry something. As individuals, we are vessels. That is, we are carriers or are expected to carry something. The question however is what do we carry as individuals, and maybe, as a congregation? The Bible says ...