
Showing posts from 2018


Anchor Scripture:   Romans 1: 16 Introduction The power of choice is given to man by God to choose whatever he wishes for himself because God had decided not to impose anything on man again (Gen. 6:3). Man therefore, has since, gone after many devices, inventing and re-inventing without restrictions from the Maker. Likewise, in religion today, man has the right and power to choose where he wants to belong. Equally, he is at liberty to choose what he wants to believe or not believe. Yet still, he has the liberty to choose what he wants to do or not; including the way he wants to behave. To this end therefore, there are many sects, many of which are actually of the devil, the deceiver, but who masquerades as churches of the living God (2 Corinthians 11: 13 – 15). The Holy Bible is unambiguous as to what constitutes a Christian lifestyle. God is magnanimous enough to variously outline, in the Scriptures, how a Christian is expected to live their life; the admonitions ...

How To Truly Receive From God - 2 (Obedience)

Activity : Sunday Sermon Anchor Scripture: Gen. 26: 1-33 Scripture References: Acts 17: 17-24, Matthew 7: 20-25, 1 Samuel 15: 1 - 30 Introduction "You cannot eat your cake and have it" is a popular saying. And except one wants to deceive oneself, the veracity of the saying is incontestable. Most of the natural laws are cause-effect in nature and practice; that is, if you did this, you get that and if you did that, you get this. Following these rules religiously guarantees profitability from them in lieu of regrets. As humans, most of us have set the minimum standards we expect from people in our relationships with them. And whenever they fell below these standards, we are always neither at peace with ourselves nor with the 'lawbreakers.' Likewise, most parents have set certain rules for their children, which they are not, under whatever circumstances, expected to break. And whenever they transgressed, because of whatever reason, they get punished. Commonest ...

Who Are You Serving?

Activity: Sunday Sermon - 8/7/2018 Anchor Scriptures: Luke 10: 38-42 Scripture References : Acts 8: 27-38, Luke 8: 4-15, John 1:1-14; 17:17, Ephesians 5:26 Introduction The church today is awashed with myriads of activities and groups/clubs, by which we always delude ourselves as "working for God." And being masters of our own choices, individuals are at liberty to choose, which of the activities and groups to belong. Equally, individuals are at liberty to choose which of the different activities to attend or not to attend. As most church leaders of differing nomenclatures, Pastor, General Overseer, Reverend, Prophet, Shepherd, etc, will always want their undiscerning and unsuspecting followers to believe, all these groups and activities are meant for the furtherance of the gospel. I ask, which gospel? Going hand-in-hand with these activities and groups are many religious programs and festivities as well as "church development" programs, to and in which eve...

Whence Cometh Your Help?

Activity: Sunday Sermon Anchor Scripture: Psalm 121: 1-2 Scripture References : Isaiah 40: 28-29, Isaiah 41:13, Psalm 146: 5-6, Jeremiah 3:23 Introduction Humans are configured in a way that puts us in one need or the other , every time ; and most times, one's social status does not count ; thus, "the rich also cry." The only difference however could be in the kind of needs sought by individuals, the frequency of occurrences and how easily or otherwise such needs are met. Just like the needs, how individuals resolve or meet their needs differ; where individuals go or turn in times of needs greatly differ also. Common to all of us is the fact that we are equally born, but not equally privileged. This discrepancy accounts for the reason we go different places in times of need. Even among us, Christians, how we seek solutions greatly differ. However, many of us complain of unanswered prayers. The question is, how do you expect God you didn...


Activity: Sunday Sermon Anchor Scriptures: Isaiah 43: 1 - 22; 2 Corinthians 4: 6 - 18 Scripture References: 2 Cor . 1: 3 - 12, James 4: 1- 3 Introduction Many of the population that go to church today who could be said are professing Christians do so for myriad of reasons. There are two phrases easily juxtaposed by most of us: "seeking God" and "asking from God." These two phrases carry different spiritual meanings. To seek God simply means to want to know Him and thus become like His Son, Jesus Christ. Asking from God on the other hand however denotes our usual nature to demand things that are pleasing to us and that will make living easier for us. Most of our congregation today go to church to "ask from God" not for "seeking God." Asking in itself is not wrong depending on what is asked, how it is asked, when it is asked and the mind (motive) with which it is asked. It is our sincere prayer and believe that God will open our eyes toda...


Anchor Scriptures: Matthew 23:23, Isaiah 58: 1 - 14. Scripture References: Proverbs 11: 25, 1 King 17: 8 - 24, Gen. 18: 1 - 16, Luke 6: 38, Acts 2: 40 - 47; 4: 34 - 37, Ephesians 4: 17 - 32 Introduction Towards the end of 2017, one of the major trending topics on social media was whether it is right, albeit Biblical still, for Christians to be paying tithes. There were many arguments for and against. Many notable men of God came out to stoutly defend the old  practice; supporting their positions with many Scriptures. The long and short of all the arguments was whether tithing is the only means by which God could and would abundantly bless His people. A popular bishop even said that people's destinies are tied to whether they pay tithe or not. Our sermon this morning will support neither of the two positions. Rather, we are trusting the Holy Spirit to once again, open our eyes to THE WEIGHTIER MATTERS which when properly done, could prompt God to turn one ...