
Showing posts from January, 2018


Anchor Scriptures: Matthew 23:23, Isaiah 58: 1 - 14. Scripture References: Proverbs 11: 25, 1 King 17: 8 - 24, Gen. 18: 1 - 16, Luke 6: 38, Acts 2: 40 - 47; 4: 34 - 37, Ephesians 4: 17 - 32 Introduction Towards the end of 2017, one of the major trending topics on social media was whether it is right, albeit Biblical still, for Christians to be paying tithes. There were many arguments for and against. Many notable men of God came out to stoutly defend the old  practice; supporting their positions with many Scriptures. The long and short of all the arguments was whether tithing is the only means by which God could and would abundantly bless His people. A popular bishop even said that people's destinies are tied to whether they pay tithe or not. Our sermon this morning will support neither of the two positions. Rather, we are trusting the Holy Spirit to once again, open our eyes to THE WEIGHTIER MATTERS which when properly done, could prompt God to turn one ...