Before Lazarus Was Raised
Activity: Sunday Message Anchor Scripture: John 11: 1 - 44 Introduction The church today, the pulpit and the congregation, is full of people who want miracles, by whatever means they can get it. Every miracle that happened in the Bible are being preached over and over and sometimes, over stretched, by the pulpit, albeit to impress the congregation and make them “believe”. Unfortunately, most people in the congregation are not able to see through most of these messages because according to the Word of God, they have also developed “itching ears” (2 Timothy 4: 3). We pray the good Lord to heal His church of graven covetousness in Jesus' Name. Amen. Message Many of the greatest works of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible that amazed the people of that time most was the raising of Lazarus from death after four days of his death. Jesus Christ was even discouraged by members of Lazarus’ family that the Lord should not bother again, because by then, he has started decayin...