Before Lazarus Was Raised
Activity: Sunday Message
Anchor Scripture: John 11: 1 - 44
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Anchor Scripture: John 11: 1 - 44
The church today, the pulpit and the congregation, is full
of people who want miracles, by whatever means they can get it. Every miracle
that happened in the Bible are being preached over and over and sometimes, over
stretched, by the pulpit, albeit to impress the congregation and make them “believe”.
Unfortunately, most people in the congregation are not able to see through most
of these messages because according to the Word of God, they have also
developed “itching ears” (2 Timothy 4: 3). We pray the good Lord to heal His
church of graven covetousness in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Many of the greatest works of our Lord Jesus Christ in the
Bible that amazed the people of that time most was the raising of Lazarus from
death after four days of his death. Jesus Christ was even discouraged by
members of Lazarus’ family that the Lord should not bother again, because by
then, he has started decaying and smelling (John 11: 39). But the story changed
when the Lord got to the graveside. The Bible says that the Lord “wept” (john
11: 32). The question is why did He betray emotions openly like that and weep?
What I found very annoying in most of the messages coming
from the pulpit today is that the preachers tell us the final result of God’s
or Jesus’ intervention, and gullibly, most of us take those and began to pray
or began to act on it just because the man of God said so. This kind of
attitude is one of the reasons many brethren who were once fervent for the Lord
backslid and never returned because they felt disappointed by God. They now is God as a liar who will say one
thing, but do another.
One thing I want you to know, brethren, is that our God is a
God of processes. Our God doesn’t build something on nothing. That is why He
doesn’t do magic, He does and specializes in working MIRACLES. So, what was
before Lazarus was raised back to life?
Brethren, three things happened for Lazarus to be raised
back to life. These things are very important if we are going to truly receive
from the Lord. The Holy Spirit has told me over and over again that there is
always a process or the other with God. I pray God grants us a heart of
understanding in Jesus' name. Amen.
The first thing that happened was
that both Lazarus and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ were friends. In John
11:2 when Lazarus’ sickness was to be told Jesus Christ, his sisters said, “. .
. he whom thou lovest
. . . .” (John 11: 3). That verse
tells us that Lazarus was a beloved of the Lord. By implication, they
were friends. Being friends means that; they understood themselves, they
have the same behaviour, liking the same things and hating the same things. They go to the
same places. They see things the same way. They think the same way and do things in
common. This is the truth because the book of Amos 3: 3 says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” So brethren, before Lazarus was
raised back to life, he and Jesus Christ were in agreement. What agreement,
then? Agreement as regards how he would live his life in accordance with God’s
Word. That was why he was loved by the Lord. So, when this Scripture is used to
raise a prayer point in your congregation next time, ask yourself whether you
and Jesus Christ are in agreement. Can your family members go to Jesus and call
you the one He loves? Are you being identified with him?
The second thing that
happened before Lazarus was raised back to life was that his family members
knew the right place to go and the right person to call even when he was sick,
that is, before he eventually died. But who do you call when you run into
trouble or where do you go? In whom is your trust? Have you not replaced God
with a man or something else? Let me tell you, the Psalmist wasn’t drunk when he
wrote Psalm 121: 1-2. He knew the right channel, the right place to look and
ask for help. The truth is that where you turn determines what you get.
The last thing that
happened was that the people had faith. The Bible says “without faith, no one can please
the Lord.” (Heb. 11: 6). When Jesus Christ asked them whether they
believe, they gave an emphatic “yes”, not a maybe or not (John 11: 27) So, when
the situation gets the worst, that is when our faith supposed to be stronger
and become more stubborn. But what do we do at that point? We break down and
begin to lament. God is not interested in our lamentation, but in our
unshakeable faith in Him. He says, “if thou has faith like the mustard seed,
you will tell a mountain to move and it will move.” (Mat. 17: 20). But instead
of you and I doing what Jesus Christ admonished us, we lose control and do the
Brethren, there are still
many things the Holy Spirit will teach us together, for our own good and for
our perfection unto Him that we may be truly called, the sons of the living
God. Let us not continue to believe the lies of motivational speakers parading
themselves as men and women of God who teach us what the Bible calls the wisdom of men.
May God help and keep us
till He comes in Jesus' name, amen.
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Till we meet again to
learn at His feet, keep keeping on in Him!
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