Increasing in the Knowledge of God

Sunday 21st February, 2016

Activity: Sunday School

Bible Readings: Hosea 4:1-6, 2 Tim. 4:1-5, Prov. 3:1-10

Memory Verse: “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10

Another very important and strong meaning of “Pleasing God” is to hungrily desire to know more about God at all times. It would be an understatement to say that there is a worrisome paucity of the TRUE Word of God, not only in the world today, but even regrettably, in the churches amongst the people called “the children of God.”

Brethren, the admonition in Joshua 1:8 is not for fun! It is for the divine purpose of “Pleasing God.” This is so because when we are diligent in our desire to know more about God, we will know what is pleasing and acceptable unto him.

So today, our Senior Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God shall explain to us what it means to increase in the knowledge of God, why we need to so increase and the benefits of our increasing in the knowledge of God. Happy study, brethren!

(A) What does it mean to (How may we) increase in the knowledge of God?

(1) To desire to know more and more about God at all times; never satisfied with what we already know. It means to be hungry for God – Psa.42:1-2

(2) To diligently search the Scriptures daily – Joshua 1:8, Luke 19:47, Acts 5:42

(3) To preach the Word of God - 2 Tim. 4:2

(4) To do what the Word says. It is only by this that people will know that we are increasing in the knowledge of the Word of God – John 14: 15, Mat. 5:45

(B) Why MUST we increase in the knowledge of God?

(1) To be able to know what is pleasing unto God – Jer. 9:24

(2) To keep ourselves in conformity with what He desires 1 Cor. 2:9 -11

(3) To keep our ways pure before Him – Psalms 119: 9, 1 Cor. 15:34

(4) To keep our hearts fixed on the things above – Col. 3:1-3

(5) To be able to put our trusts in Him – Psa. 9:10

(C) Benefits of increasing in the knowledge of God
(1) We are identified as children of God – 1 Tim. 4:11-16

(2) We know more about God – 1 Core. 2:9-11

(3) It brings about fruitfulness in our spiritual race and life – John 15: 5-7, Acts 2:42 - end

(4) It helps the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and increases our spiritual power – Acts 1:8, John 15: 5

(5) We have a hope of making heaven – John 17: 3, 2 Tim. 3:15

Increasing in the knowledge of God has a whole lot of goods in it and it is what we must crave most because it shapes our relationship, not only with God, but also with other fellow humans around us.

And as I have always said: how much you know about God will determine how far you can or will go with God.

Till we meet again, keep keeping on in Him!

Happy Sunday.

Mention some ways by which we can increase in the knowledge of God.


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