By Kelvin Efekhaese

Worldly musics (and even videos) are one of the greatest instruments the devil uses against humans, especially the teenagers and youths. Satan uses these to capture hearts and minds, and people to his kingdom, which is hell fire! Demons and evil spirits love any word and song that damns (curse) and displeases (deglorify) GOD. See! Worldly musics are unclean, immoral, carnal, lustful, irresponsible, unprofitable (fruitless) and dead (lifeless) musics. This implies that worldly demons uses them to promote and produce uncleanness, immorality, carnality, lusts, irresponsibility, fruitlessness (uncreativeness) and death (stagnancy) in people and lives. Worldly music is an entranceway to do the works and practices of the flesh; that means that those who delight and live in it shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD (check Galatians 5:19-21).

You see, worldly music is not in accordance with the Will and Word of GOD (1 John 2:15-17). It is unscriptural; since it does not belong to and come from the GOD of holiness! So, my brother/sister in the LORD (you that is a born again child of GOD) — why do you love and enjoy and even dance to worldly songs? Why do you delight in singing them? What do you hear and see in them? Do you hear and see JESUS and Heaven in them? Why do you delight and live in satanic (Illuminati) music? Don't you know that you are contaminating and harming yourself? Why do you have plenty of them on your phone and laptop, and in your house? You do not know that you have joined yourself to demons, and they will continue to bind (influence) and oppress (torment) you. Since you delight and live in their unclean songs and things, and you have taken part in their fruitless works and practices. It is shameful even to speak of or mention the things that you do (see, watch and listen to) in secret! Are you not a hypocrite in that way (Matthew 24:50-51; Mark 7:6-9)? Do you not know that friendship with the world means enmity (enemyship; hostility) with GOD (check James 4:4-8; Romans 8:6-9; 12:1-2)? You have mixed a drink that will poison you eventually!

Now listen attentively! Worldly music puts a hindrance and barrier before you, and it will cause and incite you to sin (check James 1:13-15; Romans 6:21). It will surely injure (pollute) and destroy you! It will make you to become like a poisonous and bitter plant. And that type of plant deserves to be uprooted (or cut off) and be thrown into the fire and burn (John 15:6; Matthew 3:10-12). Yes! You know the fire that I am talking about; it is that eternal fire that is unquenchable in hell (check Matthew 25:41; Mark 9:43-48). Oh, so you want to embrace JESUS and the world together? Can you serve two masters (JESUS and the world; Heaven and hell fire) at the same time (check Matthew 6:24; James 3:11-12)? Because it seems to me that you have both Gospel (Christian) songs and worldly (secular) songs on your phone and laptop, and in your house. Please, stick to one. You know the best! If hellish (worldly) songs are the best to you and your flesh with its lusts, passions and evil desires, then fine! For you can not fit in and make Heaven! You have to go to and inherit the place (kingdom) of hellish (worldly) songs! Repent now, before it is too late for you! Turn to JESUS CHRIST and call upon Him now, with a complete, sincere repentant (sorry) and humble heart! Tell Him to forgive you for your sins and worldliness! Quickly ask for His grace and mercy, for He is gracious and merciful! Tell Him to come into your heart, and take full control over it; and allow Him to change, mold and shape you to His likeness! Tell Him to cleanse you with precious Blood now!

In conclusion, stay away from worldly music! Hate and despise it just like the way GOD hate and despise it! Hate evil and love good! Please, delete those worldly songs on your phone and laptop now! Do not play them again in your heart and mind, and house! Stop singing them! Stop dancing to them! It is not easy, right? Then I do not think it will be easy for you to make Heaven. For the LORD of Heaven is a jealous GOD (Deuteronomy 4:24; Nahum 1:2). Therefore, discipline and deny yourself (1 Corinthians 9:27).  Keep praise and worship music playing all the time, both in your house and on your lips (Hebrews 12:28-29; 13:15-16). Do not delay or postpone your complete repentance, for your delay or postponement might be your loss and destruction! Be wise!

TO BE CONTINUED...................



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