Spiritual Aliveness

Activity: The Lord's Banquet (Thursday Bible Exploration)

Anchor Scripture: Matthew 13: 24-30

Scripture References: Gen. 3: 1-13; 4: 1-14, 1 Sam. 28: 3-25, Psalm 51: 10-19,

"Spiritual Aliveness" is a preclude to our Sunday Sermon, "Alive Still?", as promised then by our Senior Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God Himself. As we all partake of this Banquet therefore, it is our prayer that the good Lord shall enlighten our hearts of understanding and quicken us to do the Word at all times in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name. Amen.

Before the fall of man in Gen. 3, the thinking of Adam and Eve was that the death God prophesied concerning them if they ate the 'forbidden' fruit is the physical death; that which puts an end to one's physical existence. However, their wrongness dawned on them when their physical existence continued after they had eaten the fruit. But one important thing they had lost but which did not immediately dawned on them was their constant communion with God, their Creator.

Apart from that, they were driven from God's presence, and never to so appear again.

I pray for every soul partaking of this Banquet right now that the grace and the Power of the Holy Spirit to always be worthy of His precious Divine Presence, the Lord shall bestow on us all in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

A. What is spiritual aliveness?
Spiritual aliveness describes the availability of a man to freely receive from God, things of the Spirit, and including constant instructions and direction. The opposite of this is spiritual death. When spiritually dead, a man exists physically, but is not by any way, connected to God. Such a man could be anything in the church and among his fellow men, but he is nothing before God (Luke 14: 34-35).

As an illustration, I once heard a message by a popular Pastor where he said "a true child of God ought to be receiving from God, albeit constantly. If you call yourself a child of God but boarded a "one-chance" (kidnappers vehicle), and on discovery you begin to speak in tongue, it shows you are not a true child of God. If you were, and have spoken in tongue earlier, God would have ministered to you not to board it." Somehow, I believe his message. A man who is spiritually alive won't make silly mistakes (James 1: 13-15).

B. Signs of Spiritual Death
The following are few of the signs of spiritual death which is the direct opposite of spiritual aliveness. Here:

i. Divine or Spiritual excommunication: such a person will no longer receive from God again having being literally driven from God's Presence - Gen. 3: 23-24; 4: 14, Psalm 25: 14; 51: 11-14, Job 15: 20-24, Prov. 28: 1, Is. 8: 22, Hos. 13:3, Mat. 25: 41

ii. Spiritual things will become like a custom or tradition or people begin to interpret spiritual things in a physical way - Luke 2: 42, Mat. 15: 2-9, Mark 7: 3-13, Gal. 1: 14

iii. Sin will become commonplace - Gen. 4: 3-8, Mat. 7: 16-18, Rom. 3:23; 6: 1-2, 1 John 3:9; 5: 18

iv. Doctrines of human philosophies take precedence over the commandments of God in their "service" - Acts 17: 18, 1 Cor. 1: 19-21; 3: 18-19, Col. 2: 8, 20-22, Isa. 29: 13-14,

v. Having a form of godliness without any powers to show for it - Mat. 7: 15; 23: 27-28, 2 Tim: 3: 5, Titus 1: 16

vi. Delight in telling stories, even while on pulpit, instead of preaching the true Word of God - 1 Tim. 4: 7; 6: 20-21, 2 Tim. 2: 16, Titus 1: 10-14; 3: 9, 2 Pet. 2:18

vii. Resulting to various diabolic means to remain relevant - 1 Sam. 28: 10-15, Acts 13: 6; 8: 9-11, 2 Tim. 3: 13

Spiritual death is a consequence of many spiral events emanating from our inability to be spiritually alive in Christ. If anyone of us manifests any of those signs above, then one needs to run back to God "in truth and in Spirit." Since spiritual death is the direct opposite of aliveness, to keep spiritually alive, we do exactly the opposite of what are listed above.

Although, the end is near, but only those that are able to last the distance shall be crowned (Mat. 24:13). Our Christianity MUST not be about the things of this world alone (Col. 3: 2, 1 Cor. 15: 19, 1 John 2: 15-17).

Spiritual alertness will play a very serious role at the next appearing of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Presently, the signs are here with us, but many of us aren't taking notice of them; thus, still living carelessly.

I pray God will help us all in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

Till we meet again to learn at His feet, please, keep keeping on in Him!


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Thanks, and God bless you!


  1. I bless God seriously for His grace upon this vessel that He is using for this work. I am always blessed. Well done!


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