
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Unusual Christian

Activity: Sunday School Anchor Scriptures: John 15:1-27 Esther 4:1-17, Philemon 8-25, Daniel 1:1-21; 3:1-30, Acts: 2:43-47, Gen. 39:1-23 Introduction Today, most of us take delight in popular things. The question as to whether they are Biblical or not is irrelevant to us because we want things that are in vogue, fashionable and are praised amongst men, even if the heavens frown at it. We are a people, even inside the church, that like following the popular tides. Many Christians today decry unbeliever's derision which could come because they are just different from them. We are warned not to be like other nations. But are we a people like that today? I pray God will help us in Jesus Name. Amen. A . What is Unusual ? Anything unusual is anything that doesn't happen everyday. It is something we (the flesh) are not used to. Something that looks fairy. It is something that often sounds untrue when we hear about it. It is  " what the eyes hath not seen, the hears have n...

To Whom Belongest Thou? - 1

Anchor Scriptures: 1 Samuel 30:13-22, Matthew 7:21-27. Introduction In the time past, in most African communities, tribal marks are used to identify individuals descents. Some other places on the planet use characteristics as distinct as pronunciation of certain sounds to know where somebody came from. In those days, even powerful men within communities have their personalized "trade" marks with which they could easily identify their slaves or servants. And when there is rivalry, these marks are what the rivals used to know whether the straying individual is on their side or not. Painfully, this means of simple identification has disappeared with civilization and technology. Message I pose the question to you again, my fellow Christian man/woman: "to whom belongest   thou?"  The first time this question would be posed in the Bible (1 Samuel 30:13), it was during a battle of supremacy between David and his men on one hand, and the Amalekites who raided certain...

How Clear Is Your Sound?

Activity: Sunday Sermon Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 3:16-26, 1 Corinthians 14:8-10, 1 Timothy 2:9-11. Introduction I remember this topic, Elements and Mixture, in our elementary chemistry back in the secondary school. There, we were taught that there are different elements in the period table, about 108 or thereabout. We were told that while some elements have strong affinity for many others, and thus readily mix with them, some don't mix at all with any other, except under very controlled conditions. The mixture of two elements or more was or is called chemical reactions, most of which are not easily reversible. On the reverse is mixture. This often involves ordinary (physical)  substances coming together in a nonchemical situation. Some of this can be easily separated, while some may not. I pray the good Lord deepens our understanding in Jesus Name. Amen. Message "Action", they say, "speaks louder than voice." The world we live in today is crazy, and Apost...