How Clear Is Your Sound?

Activity: Sunday Sermon

Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 3:16-26, 1 Corinthians 14:8-10, 1 Timothy 2:9-11.

I remember this topic, Elements and Mixture, in our elementary chemistry back in the secondary school. There, we were taught that there are different elements in the period table, about 108 or thereabout. We were told that while some elements have strong affinity for many others, and thus readily mix with them, some don't mix at all with any other, except under very controlled conditions. The mixture of two elements or more was or is called chemical reactions, most of which are not easily reversible.

On the reverse is mixture. This often involves ordinary (physical)  substances coming together in a nonchemical situation. Some of this can be easily separated, while some may not.

I pray the good Lord deepens our understanding in Jesus Name. Amen.

"Action", they say, "speaks louder than voice." The world we live in today is crazy, and Apostle Paul's prophecy of the last days in 2 Tim. 3: 1-5 is fast manifesting.

According to that 1 Cor. 14:7, even nonliving things make sounds, how much more we that have the breath of life? Whether you know or not, you make sounds, unspoken sounds! And it is through these sounds that people both within and without are able to identify who you are in Christ.

Apostle Paul spoke of some who are not part of us but came in stealthily. For this reason, Christianity today is nothing but an amalgam of different elements from different planets, even among the so-called men of God. Like the elements in the periodic table, each came in with different properties which manifests in beliefs, behaviours and attitudinal dispositions. That is why we no longer have one message as it was the case with the first Apostles. Many people attend management cum personal development trainings and business orientation classes every Sunday, but erroneously believe they are attending churches of God. Is the message of the cross preached in your church?

Today, we hardly could identify a Christian from a distance, especially amongst our women congregations. Why? We all want to belong. God is not a dirty God. God Himself is fashionable; the Bible says that His dwelling place is beautiful. We need to look attractive. You dress the way you want to be addressed. These are few of words of perdition that ooze out of our pulpits today in order to lead many away from the to the Calvary. May the good Lord help us in Jesus Name. Amen.

There is no doubt that these are the last days. Happenings within and without, the world over, point to this fact. And the time is now for those who know they belong to the Lord to blow their trumpets so clearly that no one would be in doubt of what sound is coming out from them. It is when the sound is not clear that there would be doubts. 1 Cor. 14:8 asks: "Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?"

I have always maintained that the world is what it is today because the Church failed in her heavenly commission. We that are the supposed light and are expected to dispel the darkness in the world have mixed with the world. The affinity between modern Christianity and the world, despite the warnings of the Scriptures (2 Cor. 6:14-16, 1 John 2:15-17), is greater than that which exists between elements of the periodic table. But unlike some elements who could hold their own, we are not so able in the Christendom. We easily get so inseparably mixed with the world in thoughts (Colossians 3:2, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 1:27), words (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16), actions (Ephesians 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5) and in dressing (Isaiah 3:16) in such a way that it is too difficult to know, these days, who a Christian is and who is not. The sounds of many of us are very inaudibly loud so that the unbelievers may not identify us with Christ and thereby make jest of us. I pray God sends His fire of revival upon His Church in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

As Christians, we are carriers of silently sounding trumpets that are supposed, depending on how we blow them, attract unbelievers unto God and point them the way to the Cross. The judgement day (Rev. 20:11-15) will have no regards to who you are or the kind of Church you attended while here on earth (Acts 10:34, Matthew 7:21). If you are ashamed of God or His Jesus Christ here on earth, you can be sure of His denial of you in heaven (Mark 8:38). The room is still there for repentance and for a decision to never be ashamed of God and His Christ again. Make that decision today. May the good Lord have mercy on us, all. Amen.

Till we meet again, keep keeping on in Him!


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