Your Personal Identity
Activity: Sunday Sermon
Anchor Scriptures: Acts 19:13-20, Matt. 16: 13-20
Scripture References: Luke 4: 31-41, Acts 19: 1-12, Phil. 2: 5-11, Luke 10: 17-22
There is a dangerous assumption in the Christendom today. It is the unwary possibility of some Christians subsuming under their Pastors, General Overseers, Founders, etc without having a personal identity in Christ. This group of Christians are content with just belonging to their congregations and using the name of those congregations wherever they go to, most especially if such congregations happened to be a large and popular assembly whose leader is respected and known all over the world. These Christians do erroneously believe that belonging to those congregations alone is enough for their christian race. So, at intervals, they invoke the names of their church Pastor, G.O. Bishop or whatever.
The practice described above was what the seven sons of a Jewish Priest, by name, Sceva, tried in our Anchor Scripture, Acts 19: 13-20, but they regretted.
In the books of Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 15 & 21:27 respectively, the Bible speaks of a book, called the "book of life." This book contains names of certain people. Obviously, these are the people recognized by heaven to have served God faithfully. Surprisingly, the devil and his agents also know this people (Rev. 12: 17) because they bear certain marks on them (Gal. 6: 17).
The Scripture did not encourage us to hide under our spiritual fathers; it only encouraged us to emulate their faiths (1 Cor. 4:16, 11:1). In fact, the Scripture admonished us to ensure that we have our own salvation, distinct from anyone else's (Phil. 2: 12).
Brethren, one's personal identity in Christ is very important. In fact, it is the most important impetus we need to be victorious in this Christian race. Whenever I see people who run to "spiritual fathers" for everything, I normally shake my head. Jesus Christ says in John 15:7 that "If you be in me . . . ." (not if your spiritual fathers be in me); "and my words be in you, you will ask for anything and it shall be done unto you."
As I always put it, heaven need to know you, as a person, as a distinct believer. The truth is that as many that are subsuming under spiritual fathers are just not sure of their salvations. If anyone is sure of their salvations, there will be no fear of whatever in their hearts whenever anything happens because they know they have a direct access to the Father. Such people don't wait to see their spiritual fathers before miracles are done.
Jesus Christ demonstrated to us that the content of this sermon is true in the Gospel according to Saint Luke 10 when He sent out the seventy disciples without following them. They came back and reported to Him saying, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name" (Luke 10: 17). Jesus Christ didn't go out with the disciples, yet, miracles happened, demons fell.
That was a clear departure from today's Christianity where the Church founders build what I call "the Goliath's Army." That is the reason, most times when a Church founder died suddenly, the Church is in disarray. There will be power tussles as if it was time for a general elections, in the world. Many jostling for the position of the leader will even go diabolical. Then, the ministry scatters; some go after Apollos, others after Paul ( 1 Cor. 3: 4). I pray God helps us in Jesus Name. Amen.
In verse 5 of that 1 Cor. 1, the Scripture likens these spiritual fathers to just a vehicle that conveyed us to Christ for our salvations. I ask you: will you refuse to get out of a vehicle just because the vehicle is beautiful and the driver drove perfectly? Definitely, NO! As soon as you get to your destination, you come down from the vehicle and continue your journey on your own.
Brethren, it is when you could stand on your own that we say you are spiritually matured. This is when Jesus Christ get to know you as a person, and the devil and his agents, too, also know you because in standing alone in the Christian race, you would have received many of Christ's marks. What are these marks? I pray that God will give us the required enablement to examine that, either as a sermon, Sunday School topic or in one of our Bible explorations, soon, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Many of you brethren may see this sermon as a rebellious call against church leaders and founders. Far from it, please. We are admonished to respect our elders, be obedient and humble towards them (Rom. 13: 1-5, 1 Pet. 5: 5-6).
The message here is the need for us to grow up and become matured Christians ( 1 Cor. 3: 1-3). Being continually tied to our spiritual fathers' aprons is highly perilous. This is so because they are not going to be with us forever. But if we continue to allow ourselves to be spiritually spoonfed by them, what happens when they are gone. I know what will happen, brethren; exactly what happened to the Goliath Army immediately their hero, Goliath, fell to the stone of David ( 1 Sam. 17: 51b). I sincerely pray that will not be our portions in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Till we meet again to study at His feet, please, keep keeping on in Him!
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